The last couple months have been a wild ride but I’m very happy to report that my new PT’s schedule is staying completely full as we open up more treatment days per week on his schedule.

In January, he’s seeing patients 3 days/week as he fully phases out of his previous employment, and he’ll be full-time with me as of February.

On top of moving my clinic and orienting my new PT, I’ve been working hard to implement the incredible amount of things I learned in Paul Gough’s New Patient Accelerator program.

It was quite simply the best marketing program I’ve gone through in my life.

He asked me to write a few sentences about my experience and this is what I came up with:

“I can’t say enough about this program. Paul walks you through a variety of advanced (but simple to implement) direct-to-public marketing systems that will bring in loads of new patients while your competition continues to grovel at the feet of local physicians in hopes that feeding their staff lunch will do the trick. I just hired the first PT for my Cash-Based practice less than 2 months ago and his schedule is already full. As I implement more of the tactics I learned in the New Patient Accelerator Program, I’m already having to look for another PT to see the new patients coming in!”

This program goes waaaaaaay beyond blogging, creating YouTube videos, social media posts or most/all other “marketing techniques” being promoted among private practices. Click here and scroll down the page to get a better idea of what you’ll learn.

As I mentioned last month, he’ll be running this 6-week program again soon and the registration for it opened on Wed Jan 13th 2016 at noon EST.

If you want a spot in this program, you really need to be ready to register as early as possible because I’m pretty sure it’s going to sell out quickly. (There are only 25 spots in the program and thousands will read this post)

After going through the New Patient Accelerator, I believe in Paul’s work more than ever and want as many colleagues as possible to see the results I’m seeing in my practice.

Now, If you’re concerned about cost, please do the following:

Calculate/Estimate how much you earn for each patient treatment session, and the average amount of treatment sessions per new patient. Then you can easily estimate how many new patients need to be generated in order to pay for the course.

So in my physical therapy practice in Austin, I collect $150 per treatment session and I average about 5 visits per patient. So 5 x $150 = $750 revenue per new patient. So this course will pay for itself once these systems have generated only 3-4 new patients! And from what I’ve seen already the marketing systems taught in this program will generate far more than that every month for the entire life of my practice! So it was a no-brainer for me and I imagine your math will provide a similar conclusion.

One last thing … if you’re not ready or willing to set aside the time to really implement what you will learn in this course, please do not sign up. You will learn a ton over the 6 weeks but properly executing these marketing systems will take months. Once they are set up, they are highly automated; but it will take some upfront work to get the patients rolling through your door.

If you implement what you learn, you will get results that pay for the course many many times over. I am absolutely confident of that.

If you’re going to take this course click the little blue bird below and invite your colleagues to join you.

Interested in the cash-based private practice model? 

>> Click Here to learn how to start your own Cash-Based Practice <<

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